The List

Hey loves!
It's been an amazing week full of new activities and I really enjoyed the week! In today's article, I decided to share some of the things I'm grateful for with you guys. Personally, I truly enjoy making lists of the things I love and appreciate. Back when I lived in Germany, I used to make a list of all the reasons why it's going to be a good day on my way to school. My way to school was quite short and it took me only five minutes to get to school. At the start, my list consisted of approximately five items, but over time it expanded to over thirty items. I would recommend trying to establish this habit of making a list in the morning because it helps to start the day with a more positive attitude.
Now that I live in LPC I still make my lists in my head in the morning but my school way is even shorter now. However, there's always a lot to be thankful for - especially when you make so many experiences in a place like LPC and Hong Kong!
One of the things I'm super excited about and thankful for is that I got the chance to work with the Crossroads Foundation. Crossroads is a foundation that is based in Hong Kong but that works on a national and international level. Crossroads aims to connect existing resources with people in need and they also conduct X-Periences for groups. X-Periences are simulations where groups can experience what it can be like to be in a certain situation. Their X-Periences include a refugee simulation and a blindness simulation. Crossroads is fully run by volunteers and many of them live on the campus of the foundation. It's a truly amazing and inspiring place. The volunteers of the foundation are incredibly open-minded, polite and they just have some super good vibes. I just started volunteering at Crossroads and I absolutely love it! I am working at their reception and the team is wonderful and I felt welcomed from the first moment on. I'm excited to start working there and to find out how everything works at Crossroads. You can volunteer at Crossroads (situated in Tuen Mun) from Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm. If you work there in the morning, they provide lunch for you and you can volunteer either for the whole afternoon or only in the morning or afternoon. Crossroads offers a variety of volunteer opportunities from helping with putting order in the donations to loading containers for the deliveries to people in need. (I've put the link to their website at the end of the article in case you guys are interested in volunteering there too)
One thing I couldn't be more thankful for is my life at Li Po Chun United World College! It's quite easy to forget what a privilege it is to be in this amazing place when you're there day by day, but at the end of the day when I'm in my bed, I always reflect on my days and it makes me realise how special and precious the days here are. You learn so much more than just the norma things like Biology and History in this school - every talk in the canteen is a learning experience because you get to learn something about another country and different views on numerous issues. I love discussing things with people from LPC and having heated discussions with them. Opinions clash quite often and it's super interesting to watch it. The people in this place are inspiring and have an amazing attitude towards life. I've met so many beautiful souls in LPC and I truly enjoy every minute I get to spend with them!
And I also want to use this article to thank my amazing family and friends for always having my back and for always caring for me! Although I'm not around all the time, they never forget about me and always check on me. They are amazing and I love talking to them and I am incredibly thankful for them. It is super important to keep your good friends close because they are your chosen family and there's nothing on earth that could possibly replace them. I guess that being away from home strangely taught me to value my home. It is weird but when you are away from home, you learn what you have to miss about home and how amazing the people around you are.
If you are reading this article, take it as a reminder to be grateful. It is always a good time to pause and reflect and be grateful and it sure as hell gives you some positive vibes!
Lots of Love,

Shoes - Adidas
Skirt - H&M
Jumper - H&M
Bag - Bree
Earrings - H&M
All pictures showing me were taken by my lovely roomie Gloria K.