Baby Blue

Hey loves!
Today's article is all about this cute small baby blue bag (what a long description...)! I love this new cutie which joined my wardrobe only a few weeks ago. I think it is absolutely adorable and pretty cool. A friend introduced me to the brand and when I saw this bag I knew that I'd pick this one. It's also available in a bigger size but I preferred a small bag that always looks cute. I think that the bag looks absolutely cute and although the color is a little eye-catcher you can wear it with a lot of outfits.
I didn't take pictures of it last week because I wasn't feeling well and that's why I didn't feel like taking pictures. I'm currently staying home being sick as a piggy, but I still want to tell you guys what the workshop in Frankfurt was like. The workshop was hosted by the United World Colleges and it was so much fun! I've met a lot of cool people there and it was really interesting to see who got accepted. Because the interviews took place on two different weekends there were some people I didn't know yet. It was also sad to find out that some people I really liked didn't get in.
The workshop was about making the United World Colleges more famous because so many people don't know about them yet. I'm trying to mention them on my blog to make you guys aware of the possibility to apply there and I really hope that I can inspire some people out there to apply. The next application process starts in May and I can only recommend applying because the interviews are so much fun and you meet a lot of interesting people there. It's also a good training for job interviews you might have in your future life. And it's an amazing possibility. If you guys want to know more about the United World Colleges, check out their website.
This week things also started getting serious: I received the so-called Joining Papers from my new school. A lot of paperwork is waiting for me! It looks like a lot to read but I'm still excited about my new school and I think my mom and I will handle this - hopefully...
This week was quite stressful for me because I had a few tests and quite a lot of things to do. My tests went well but it's always a lot of work and time investment to study. It's getting especially hard when you start studying the day before. I know people always say you should start studying at least one week before the test but to be honest I never did that and I haven't failed a test. I think it's okay to study the day before if you know you can make it, but if you know that you're a slow learner start earlier. i believe that everyone knows himself best and that's why everyone should decide about starting to study himself.
But there were also some cool moments in school this week and it was simply fun to hang around with my class members. I try to keep these little moments when someone makes a good joke, when someone does something really funny in class and so on in my mind because I know that I'll leave this wonderful class behind but you can't keep every memory. It's a little bit sad to think about the fact that I'll leave them but I believe that I will keep in touch with a lot of them because I'm going to miss them a lot and I don't want to lose them. I know this sounds weird but that's how it is. I really like my class and I think that they are amazing people who inspire me on a daily basis by doing crazy stuff, saying cool things or by simply being themselves.
Now let's stop getting emotional (I don't want to start crying while finishing this article) and let's get back to my plans. I'm planning to visit the so-called "Cannstatter Wasen" with my friends tomorrow. I hope that I can upload some pictures of it. I'll definitely tell you guys about the experience because it will be the last time for me to go there and I don't want to forget my last visit!
Lots of Love to all of you,
P.S. I'm so in love with this nail look! I tried it out because I saw this trick on Pinterest (the website of life hacks). I painted my nails with some white nail polish by Essie and then I taped half of my nail and then painted the not taped part with this cute blue color (which is almost the same as my bag). The blue is called Mint Candy Apple is from Essie. I think this look is pretty cute and I just wanted to share this easy hack with you!

- Pullover: H&M
- Collar: H&M
- Jeans: Tally Weijl
- Rings: H&M, Primark
- Bracelet: Happy Charms
- Watch: Michael Kors
- Bag: Bree