Travel Diaries

Hey loves!
It's been a week full of work, class tests, way too much homework and a lot of studying. The only thing that makes me feel better in times like this is thinking of the more positive aspects of school... holidays!
I like keeping my travel memories in travel diaries. I love reading them after a while and remembering the lovely times I've spent with some amazing people around the globe. The first travel diary I've ever written was a travel diary that I bought and I just wrote down all the things I've experienced, I've glued in flowers and other stuff I found and I basically tried to keep the memories.
Then I decided to start doing the travel diaries myself. The one I showed you guys above is one of these travel diaries I've done myself. It's basically a normal small black folder. I glued a postcard on it saying "Danke" (german word for Thank you). I also used a quotation (I still don't know why I chose this quote and not another one) and some stuff I found in magazines. I had to put something around the folder because it got so thick that I couldn't close it anymore.
Today, I'll give you guys a little insight in two of my travel diaries:

This one is the first travel diary I've ever done. You can still get this book year after year in some shops. It's by a magazine called "flow". The book is a pretty good option if you've never written a travel diary before because it offers a ton of ideas what you could write about in your travel diary and what you can do during your holidays - also in the time you're home.
Some of the most interesting ideas are for example the idea to start a 30-days-project. You can try taking a picture in each of these days, cooking something special each day, whatever. It's a pretty cool idea and it makes a lot of fun to have your very own personal project during holidays.
Another cool idea is to have a "color picnic". What does that mean? It means having a picnic and every food and drink you have there has to be of the same color. This can make food shopping pretty hard but the outcome is pretty cool (and absolutely perfect for instagram, snapchat, etc)!
The book is also full of amazing quotations, good stories, inspirational articles and so on. Here's a little insight in what I wrote on the blank pages of the book:
As you guys can see in the pictures, the pages look absolutely adorable and that's what makes this book so lovely. That's another reason why I recommend using this book as a first travel diary, because you can't create so amazing pages your own - but it's still fun to do it yourself.
When writing this diary I wrote things about my days down, I drew some stuff, I also glued in some pictures, I kept bills from cool restaurants or coffee shops and all of those little things you get in your hands when traveling. That's the one thing I advice everyone to do when writing a travel diary: Keep every little thing and at the end of the day, put our collection in the diary. When looking at this in a year you will remember all the little moments that made your vacation amazing.

Here's one of my latest travel diaries. I wrote it when being on the Maldives, going to the lake of Constance, traveling to Corsica and at almost all weeks of my past summer holidays. Because I did this myself, I had to think of all the things that I wanted to have in my travel diary. I decided to create a little "holiday bucket list" where I wrote down some things I wanted to do during my holidays. Here are some pages of this travel diary:
That's it for the insights in my travel diaries. I can't wait to have holidays again and to write some new travel diaries!
Lots of Love,
P.S. I've added some pictures of Mümi - this rabbit is just too cute!