Hidden Worlds

Hey loves!
The past week has been quite eventful and I cannot wait to share all of it with you guys! Since our grades have already been handed in by our teachers, the last week was the first one in a while in which I did not have a test or quiz. It was great to have a little bit more time with friends and to also give my Christmas shopping some thought.
Last week, my co-leader and I organised a movie screening for our Model United Nations group. We watched "Watchers of the Sky" which explores how the word genocide came into being and how the UN and the international community have reacted to different genocides in the past. It was super interesting and a great supplement to the Stanford summer course "Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention" that I took this summer. I would highly recommend watching the movie as it explains the concept quite well and it definitely makes you think! You can watch the trailer here.
Aside from my normal extracurricular activities, a very special event took place at LPC this Saturday: the European Cultural Evening! It was very exciting to see how our cultural evening played out because we all had been working on it for the past weeks and seeing everyone enjoy the evening just made all the hard work worth it. We had a storyline that was based on an award ceremony for Miss Europa in a fancy hotel but then Miss Europa got kidnapped and so there was a lockdown in which all the inhabitants of the hotel went back to their rooms (which were organised by regions or countries depending on how many students were there for each country or region) and the audience got an insight into the different rooms. I attached a couple of pictures of our dinner and our show here for you guys:
It was so cool to have the cultural evening of my cultural group and I definitely enjoyed it, but sadly, my cultural evening kept me from going to Crossroads last Saturday. Since my flight back to Germany is this Saturday, I will not be visiting Crossroads until after Christmas break. One of my friends, Irene, did an internship at Crossroads and she will return to Italy after Christmas. Since we wanted to see each other again before she left, we decided to go out on Sunday and explore an Italian Christmas Market in Hong Kong. The market was held at PMQ (a mall in Hong Kong) and we ended up exploring the mall which is one of Hong Kong's most amazing places!
The mall is currently holding an exhibition about fashion but there are also various art exhibitions in it. It was super exciting to explore it and enter the different rooms and look at the amazing and inspiring art installations. And one of the best things about it was that it was free! We could not believe that we found a little museum hidden in a shopping mall and explored each floor of it. The mall itself is organised beautifully as it is separated into very small shops and each shops sells something very original and individual that you cannot find everywhere. I got some of my Christmas gifts there because I felt like the things I bought are things that you cannot get anywhere else. I attached a few pictures for you guys so you can see the art:
To be honest, walking through the mall did not feel like walking through a Hong Kong mall. The mall seemed like a world of its own that contains different little worlds in the rooms filled with art. Each room and each shop were decorated with such creativity and originality that you just had to fall for the place. I hope to revisit PMQ at some point and would definitely recommend visiting if you ever travel to Hong Kong. The Italian Christmas market was also quite good (they have some pretty good and affordable pizza!) and is worth going!
Irene, thank you for this amazing day! And to all the members of the European Cultural Evening: thank you all - I am so glad that we made it through and it was definitely worth it!
Lots of Love,