and then there were three

Hey loves!
Hong Kong had its first typhoon 8 signal today (which basically means stay inside or get wet). Rainy days like these are the days where my addiction to bookstores comes in handy. I read three books over the past few days and I would love to share my thoughts on them with you:
The Unwinding of the Miracle
Are you ready to cry? Because I can assure you that this book will make you cry. I was about forty pages into the book and it had already broken my heart three times. In The Unwinding of the Miracle*, Julie Yip-Williams tells the story of the end of her life. Yip-Williams, a Harvard-educated lawyer who escaped infanticide due to her blindness in Vietnam, had her life changed by a cancer diagnosis. In this book, she talks about coming to terms with her diagnosis, how she went through the different stages of treatment, and what it means to leave your family behind. Her book is so raw and honest that it feels like you are talking to her. It is beautiful, heart-breaking, and wonderful. I would highly recommend this book to all of you!
Maybe the title of this book naturally attracted the law student in me, but it is a great read for anyone! A friend of mine recommended this book* to me and she recommended it by saying that the reason she loved the book is that Sandel lays out arguments for different ethical theories in a convincing manner and then does the same for the counter-arguments in the same convincing manner. She was right. Sandel leaves you convinced of both sides and challenges every belief you ever held about justice. I absolutely loved reading this book and it certainly gave me a lot to think about.
Love Looks Pretty on You
I am a huge fan of Lang Leav's poetry and this book* was a great read, although not as good as her previous poetry. Leav's poetry is very accessible and I love taking one of her books and reading it in a coffee shop on a rainy day. If you have not read her other poetry books yet, I would highly recommend Love & Misadventure* and Lullabies* - they are amazing and I keep copies of them next to my bed to read in the evening because her poems are something I like to go back to every once in a while.
On another note, I did read all your messages about what is going on in Hong Kong at the moment. I was unsure whether I should use my platform to address the current situation and I am still unsure. I posted this video in response to the messages and it would mean a lot to me if you would give it a watch and would let me know your take on it:
Do you have a book recommendation or would like to let me know your take on the current events in Hong Kong? You can send me a message here!
Lots of Love,
The title picture of this article was taken by Assunta Montesinos and edited by me.
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